
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Luciferian Insectus - The Dark Minstrel


Lately, I've been listening to the brutal and chaotic sounds of Luciferian Insectus, a one-man (black metal) band from Amsterdam. I personally began to listen to all class of Metal since being in diapers lol. The first band that I was attracted to was Iron Maiden and from there went all the popular listening such as Metallica, Megadeth and heavier bands such as Dirty Rotten Imbeciles and Suicidal Tendencies. Today, I still enjoy all sorts of rock, metal, grind core, black metal and so-forth. I have been influenced in many ways by today's bands such as Oceano and other bands like Killswitch Engage. I worked in studios in New York as volunteer and learned some things about the music biz on the way. Thank goodness for today's technology because it has made today's music rein and greatly desired for this age and as far as musicians are concerned, it is the way that paves an easier path for the discovering of new genres and styles in which this aspect of music has become nothing but endless borders of fun.

Death Metal, Black Metal or any kind of Metal based music is the empowering of the youth in more positive ways such as it was for me growing up. So many local bands and artists are out there and need to be heard so that they can reach the globe. Good thing for networks like the new myspace, facebook and or educational networks like Google Plus which have the Band Database and another interesting network called ::Muso Map:: for musicians of all kinds all over the world.

There are rumors which most people believe to be true and I somewhat have my own opinionated thought or two on secret societies having all the control on public media. Some of the alleged secret societies are known to have rejected many of Musicians and Artists young and old based on their appearance due to the idealism of "best look get's all the money." I no way am I making this article political but I just wanted to say that I'm glad that the old age is over and the posers who seem to have many high positions in America not just in the Music Industry but in Office and all sorts of hat wearing and time consuming lives that have some say against one or many who would come offering their beautiful music on the basis of their height, weight, skin color and financial and or social status. Why the first minstrels of humanity were not concerned with the people, royalty or peasants thoughts on what they looked like. Hell, I mean, back then, they didn't even think like that or at least not everyone because once they heard the music, it made people happy because why? THERE WAS NO ELECTRICITY. In my esoteric thought for the future of Music and Artisan of all kinds is this:

-Praise the gods! This is a new age of Love, Peace, and Success to all artists whether music or image creating, painting, drawing or whatever, there is no room for the disease filled competition that only separates and causes trouble because the former leaders of the world and the media have once ruled and torn the spirits of many people who only wanted to share their creative minds with the world out of the love for their gift or talent. We are now moving into the second procession of the equinox which is this new time and new and good things are about to take place in the Music & Artist world. All who push themselves in their art will succeed because this is OUR age and the sky is the limit especially for this genius of a dude named

 Darren Peterson who IS Luciferian Insectus

Interview w/ Luciferian Insectus:

Cris Blakk: So, what sign are you Darren? 
     Luciferian Insectus: Taurus 

CB: Where are you right now in black metal or death metal as far as being another Trent Reznor? 
Luciferian InsectusI would say that I started out wanting todo straight black metal but i have always loved , and grew up on Death metal throughout my life and thought they would make a really nice mix... so I would say that I am in the middle of both.....

CB: Will you be coming to the states and if so will it be back home or someplace like Los Angeles or New York or up north even like Main?
Luciferian Insectus: I plan on doing tours all over the world... but for now I am in Amsterdam making my official debut of my final approach of the right vibe of my music... I have already played the Whisky at Los Angeles and varius places in Florida Like Spanky's and Ray's Downtown Blues. I have played in Boston at varius places and now Europe... I do like the musical creative vibe for metal in this part of the world... But I do see myself coming back but not for a while i predict. My main goal is to aquire access to all the places that metal is appreciated to the fullest.....

CB: Who is your most admired, memorable, respected and or influence in music of all time?
Luciferian Insectus: My main influences vary for I am pretty versitile in the metal field but I would say that Growing up i loves alot of old school Metallica, Slayer, Van Halen, Pantera (MUCH RESPECT TO DIMEBAG DARREL LANCE ABBOT!!!!), Venom, Mayhem Deicide (GLEN!!!), Dissection, and the list goes on... My main influence over all though is Dimebag Darrell.....

2 part question 
CB a: How old were you when you had the idea of being a rock star?
Luciferian Insectus : I started music at the age of 6/7 and I got my "rockstar"dream at the age of 13 years old.

CB b: and was it a magical feeling or a spiritual feeling like some kind of power external that drove you to seek music?
Luciferian Insectus: Basically I started outta knowwhere... I was really young.. around 6/7yrs. old and I was in Louisiana and I just started to picking up things and playing them... I had this music drive since birth i believe so I would say that i was chosen before i opened my eyes and persued it as soon as i was capable.....

CB: What was famous about the neighborhood you grew up in?
Luciferian Insectus: Nothing really famous.. I came from a small town in Florida called Royal Palm Beach and it was the typical quiet neighborhood.....until i opened up the garage and jamed it

CB: Who in your family has musical talent and are you close to that person?
Luciferian Insectus: My entire family has musical talent and I am pretty close with all of them....

CB: What is it about the devil that you want the public to know most about? 
Luciferian Insectus: How fun it is to sin and be free... I cant stand all this Christian influence around me mainly because its the most corrupt and bullshit thing... everything contradicts itself and to me....religion is complete bullshit.... I say that you should live by the freedom of YOUR OWN choice... not a choice influenced buy another way, but do what the hell you want , when you want to do it....regardless of what another person thinks....who the hell r they anyway.... "just don't do dirt to me and i don't do it to you" is my main motto...

CB: Do you see yourself teaching music?
Luciferian Insectus: I would love to one day as maybe a "chill job". I love music and i would love to one day teach it to all who seek the knowledge.... But for now, I am doing my own things... Maybe for a good retirement job I will take up music theory or something like that...

CB: According to the way Blakk The World, Inc. searches for Luciferian Insectus, I find that your one video I’m assuming this is not on the myspace Sorry, I could be wrong. I like this song a lot but I can’t deny that Unholy Communion is grovin like a mutha-fuqa. HOWEVER, will there be a real actual dramatic video even if it is an animation?
Luciferian Insectus: I appreciate that brother.... I would have to say that I am re-writing that song with a new approach on the mastering... I do plan on doing a music video for this one in the near future....I am currently working on the music video for "Sigil Ov Lucifer" at the present moment.... But I do plan on doing many more..... and yes for Unhoily Communion as well... I am thinking about doing a live video for Unholy Communion....
I am coning out with a DVD soon as I get all the footage I need.... Its gonna have my first Music videos produced on it as well as all live footage of my performance coming up April 19th at The Cave here in Amsterdam...

CB: So where do you see Luciferian Insectus going and do you see yourself collabin with any artists now or in the future?
Luciferian Insectus: The sky's the limit for me and I do see myself making this one day a 5 piece full on band... For now it is just me but I do search for those select few that could dedicate their performing lives to the musical approach of Luciferian Insectus as well as have that perfect combination that I need.... I know there are alot of persons that can play well out there...its all about having that "clockwork" relationship of a musical nature. But one day perhaps......I am open to take auditions...

CB: Where will the next 3 shows be located?
Luciferian Insectus: I see myself being well established and possibly having a permanent well off group going and show wise, I plan on having a mini-tour set up within that time so things are sparking little by little...

Question 13
CB: If you could collab with the top star or a band like Behemoth, or any other if you have any in mind, who would that be?
Luciferian Insectus: I would love to tour with the mighty Behemoth, Deicide and Lamb Of God. I feel that would go over very nicely....

::My request:: to Luciferian Insectus is that you would cover "Blood Of The Scribe" by lamb of god and or Chant For Eschaton by BEHEMOTH. I would definitely put that at the top of my metal mix.

Thank You Luciferian Insectus. I speak all the darkest of favor, blessings and good fortune to you and all who create this musical art in the greatest realm of all existence. Big up to Amsterdam Crusaders and ALL of Amsterdam and ALL of Netherlands who put it in the air!!!

If you would like to listen to Luciferian Isectus music or learn more about this artist, you can visit these sites.

The New Myspace



and you can also catch postings of Luciferian Insectus by none other than yours truly Cris Blakk and the site I will be mostly posting on is Blakk The World, Inc. on facebook

This is Cris Blakk signing off PEACE from Blakk The World, Inc. )O(