
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Minding A Higher Light

Oceans of emotions but no complaints here. Time or some sort of essence in us proves it self as we trail down the the path of being free as in nothing or "No thing - ness>" All in all, I'm glad I could be here to to tell you about this energy in the air. It's not like any other energy but almost as if there is a mechanical feel to it and it turns on and off and for the most part it affects many of the population some more some less who most likely are awake or even somewhat awake. This thing sure causes a lot of problems and how to endure it is key. Not everyone can get it at first. Even if it takes humans most of their life, it's so worth it. And yet, all the bludgery that gets in between people now a days like the separations and the security blankets we store silently and try to pass it off with big words and the rejecting of losing control. It's ok because there is always the thought of not being afraid and just taking the step into air like when your at action park and you wanna jump off the cliff but you feel that hesitation because you think your going to rake your body or hit your head on the way down and the cool thing is that if you relax and let yourself go you will never again hesitate because the fear was FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL. Now I know I know, I'm trying to learn that life is easier if you don't poke at people but I just wanted to do one last go for the "christers" our there but anyway it's all good and in fact it's true, fear is in the mind but that is post of another color.

This resilient being is a sweet blessing on this planet. Where else to look to but to those who are like us and those who follow somewhat in the same path or realm. I remember when my old friend from Orange County said, "we have no choice but to be like iron and ice when we are supposed to." I couldn't even look through that glass at the time which I believe was about almost 2 years ago. It is only now that I have given up this fight for whatever human reason I thought was helpful. I guess it helped my whole life up till now. I guess they are right when they say let go of the things that serve you no purpose any more lol. There are so many approaches in life and for some it may not be easy growing up even in another country where people might be a little more high strung. This doesn't mean people are bad or dumb or not awake but just been used to the energy where they are from. Some people can't help this but it is a nice investment when an individual can receive this piece of advice from the door, which rarely happens but when you do find this resilience, don't ever let it go.

It sure wasn't easy until I chose it. I don't mean to be all preachy and shyt but think about this: If you take these same mechanics of just blocking everything out for a second and just choose what we want that we could do for ourselves and that is all we need. Then we could do the same thing when wanting to cease doing something that is not healthy for us such as addictions or bad habits.

I don't know why I feel as though this mechanic of becoming or being resilient can also help those in need of stopping an unhealthy habit in their life but it really does work when you work it. I want to change so many things about myself but that surely wont happen anytime soon if I don't take the necessary steps.

We are now living in an age where people are coming together breaking the habits of old and coming out of the house and stretching out our friendly souls for a handshake and not being afraid to be social and meet new people for those usually not engaging in that aspect of life. Life is bigger than facebook and all this internet stuff. Lets come together and celebrate life and lift each other up and have a good time. There are not regular rules anymore. We are free and all we have to do is take the step. It doesn't matter what religion you are but to you because despite popular belief peace and destruction start with you first. We are no longer bound by energy but we are free and most free when know it.

People will collide and messes will occur but everyone knows better this time around. Let Saturn teach us our lessons so we can get on with this existence already. Time is precious as far as the way things are set up but better for the magick user. The most creative will succeed in this time. Brace yourselves for this wonder of a ride and sit back and enjoy everything. Cool as a fan with our grimoire in hand and what better of a life to have at that.

Blessings and Power to all Family & Friends! 

Monday, June 30, 2014

Ground Saliva

Discordian who's bows were broken
I say broken but your mold is sold
You forsake not the bleg 
And blindly pretend
With a joy all that rots instead
You think ants can’t evolve
Now there are dog like ants
Which can jump and melt things
Even your prints
Because the ants are more than magical
They are little gods
And they’re mortified of your ways
Horrified of your days
I shout to the public a gaze 
of self But not a self maze
A gate
So simple
So true
To a freedom 
To be Lion for a Day
But you say nay
You take my down with you
Your electrical dismissal
You are the one making judgments  
Your Grizzle
Your Drizzle of pain
Why can’t I celebrate publicly
Without you spraying hate
Oh betwixled
Since you never let me love you
Why don’t  you whistle yourself away 
Go to someone who’s going to foolishly ignore your presence
Go away sweet bitter ones
Please don’t make me do it
There are so many moments
I could just do it
I swear its not a lie
Treble and bass
Is on very high
Midrange is known
And placed in a zone
Where you will lose this war
And never will become
The ultimate
The utopic ignition
And everyone far and wide
Will know it was you
So tarry in the midst if you will
Mr and Mrs  Regulators
I don’t follow your way
I follow the ultimate death
Why wouldn’t I, it’s easy
So why do you continue to step
Who knows
I’m tired
I must get some rest
The new moon is coming
I’ll leave it up to them
and send you pestilence 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Strength Training

It's super hard core time once again. Here is a good time to fast. Fasting breaks ties and bind such as certain energies that stick to your aura. The one thing about fasting that makes it so worth while is that not only is it an energy propheting but the prosperity behind is a great anointing due to the factors of your life that in conjuncts psionic force to your light to balance you so that you have a life of complete wellness and can successfully attain a higher plain of consciousness which you will naturally be able to be placed in a position to help others.

Man, I have been lazy for too long and have been holding back but I would like to say thank you to the universe for helping me. I have cool people in my life who are helping me in ways that seem to others as if it is not help but it's the greatest help and some amazing one's that have given me themselves, in their time, treasure and talent. I speak all manner of blessings in favor and wellness to you oh cooly cool friends of mine xoxox <3

This is another break. Funny like spring break. So much to do in such little time. I believe here is where the come back starts. This morning I was so pissed even though last week was the most beautiful of all miracles in my life. I took a ride with a friend to purchase some metaphysical supplies and I can't believe that on a night of the Blood Moon, I didn't have time to study or research a certain god or deity or patron for this certain practice of mine. You see I was offered a candle for this Orisha which is a Saint from Santeria. I had no idea how simple it was but it was a complete blessing so I really am thankful. I woke up moody I guess because here is where the rubber meets the road. No more relaxing, no more lounging around hoping for shyt to pop off and enough magick just for a second here America and the world....It's time to get gritty and grimy and just get into a spiritual cocoon fast, workout and study so that I can feel the lighting in my fingertips to whip a good story's ass lol.

This past Friday I was baptized into The Holy Temple of Nzambi, Gnostic Orthodox Masonic Rite. It was so beautiful to be there chillin feeling the Exus and knowing them internally for the ones that were there and the familiarity I sensed and the calmness and the excitement watching how everything was setup and helping with some parts. I took pics and posted them to

Some people try or so many things to get into the zone of writing. I can't believe it! I'm really all the things I thought or was told I'll never be. I remember there was some kind of astrological report which stuck in the back of my mind and it was just really negative and I had it once again when I first came to Cali. My personal readings and I don't mean that which I do as in me being the psychic but getting them. People say why can't you see a bad thing coming and your a psychic lol. I don't know but I guess I do see somethings sometimes and sometimes not. Who the hell knows but I do know that It's time to bite down and chew this shyt and swallow it. Or do magick but I don't know I guess I'm glad meeting the people I did since I been here because I guess I wouldn't have made it thus far.

I just want to say If anything happens just know I did try absolutely the best with the "Orange Curtain's" bus stops and the scarceness of cool people I guess I don't know. I know whats good and what is good for me and I could be fine if things went in the direction in which they are going naturally but the vamps come and go and I don't even know any more. I just want to help people, not astrally battle with weirdness every night. I feel as though there are certain instances where I forsee something I guess and I say it outloud and it just goes badly because the person didn't listen but it's ok. I guess nothing matters anymore but what everyone is doing for themselves. God, I can't wait to finish this damn progression of a hope to be film lol.

I can chill and have a nice place in LA. I could help the homeless people at Venice Beach and Open a up a metaphysical shop and make my own oils and attempt at herbs or incense. I could have movie night at my shop and have healing sessions after midnight. I could do the radio show there and just feel like I'm on top of the world. I would be doing qigong with like 12 people or more every day, who knows. I'd be chillin and cook a feast and play music and have fun. Isn't that what life is but it's not because some who I try to talk to wont allow themselves to see it or whatever..I don't get it anymore but I do get that this stuff that I've been doing is strong. If I really had a nice place in LA, I would be saving the weekends for amazing trips to nature, thats church to me. One or two or more days a week pay homage like a nice ceremonial ritual but with nice clothing. Like I dig wearing white like the santeros and our precious Ordo De Barco how we do!!!! I know that I messed up that day though cuz I wore my white shirt at the time of the baptism but I smiled on through I guess how I should smile on this crazy bullshyt some coward illusionized into my life but we must be positive. My home gurl Erika made sure she yelled at me for being negative and you know what she's right.

Fuq this bullshyt, I'm going to break this shyt tonight! 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Magick Picture Show Hologramah

I just wanted to get some pictures out to you because I have deleted some online social accounts which I have posted so many pictures especially last year so here is the Blakk The World, Inc. Year In Review lol

this was a fold away altar
my very fist altar
This is a homemade black mirro
for scrying and astral work 
Red Candles for Protection

The Key to Dante's Divine Comedy
from the book:
The Secret Teachings Of All Ages
by Manly P. Hall


The Membime Table of ISIS


(compared to the 9 planets 
and 9 parts of the human brain)

Lucifuge Rofocales

Polyhedral Dice for Divination


Osho Psychic Oracle Reading Cards

My 1st rite to The Holy Arch Angel Baphomet

1st Altar Setup

Sigil of Samael: The Left Hand of God
Husband of Lilith 
Father of Cain

1st Sigil

My second magick book <3

1st Necromantic Ritual
can you see 
that is one of my dead relatives <3

My 1st Tarot Deck

random studies

 1st Left Hand Path Book
This is one of my favorite books
I lost this and a very wonderful friend 
from The Bronx hooked it up with a paper back version
I read it every fucking day <3

The beginning of leaning towards the Left Hand Path Practices

My 1st Psychic Fair
as a polyhedral dice reader

My 1st Tarot Card Reading as a reader

One of the best books on Astral Projection & Transcendental Travel
Psychic Protection and Astral Retaliation
Astral Attack & Defense 
by Marcelo Ramos Motta 

1st Ritual to CHTHULU

1st guiltless Halloween :)

 Invocation with the Sigil of Amdusias

Bottle & Tarot Spells

My 1st time making jewelry 
and my 1st Luciferian/Vodou Rosary 
on top of "Secret Teaching of All Ages" Book 
by Manly P. Hall

Spirit Vessel Preparation for 
Evocation of CAMAZOTZ
The Bat God with the Power to Heal & Destroy

1st call to Bael
the 1st gate of ARS Goetia

Metaphysical Psychic Reading
Polyhedral Dice & Vibrational Medicine Cards

1st Time Sorcery
1st Ritual to Hecate on the night of the Blood Moon 2013
Long Beach, California 

Blood Moon 2013

 Inventory of Santeria and Vodou Products 
That Money, Reversal Powder, and Tapa la Boca 3-day Candle 
I got from Points of Light in Long Beach
I used the red powder for this curse breaker spell
the night of the bloodmoon 2013


Protection (bayleaves) & Finance (spearmint) products for spells and rituals 
of a Santerian or Vodou nature

Ancient Sumerian King God


Sigilum De Ameth
Enochian/Thelemic Sigil
Angel Ritual Magick Work

of Greece
Witch/High Priestess/Crone/Goddess
She is no one to reckon with

Hebrew Angel Triangle 

 Alchemy/Chaos Magic

Gemini Moon

 "Runes" Norse/Celtic Divination

Spirit Vessel

1st Enchanted Bracelet 
which is being sold at "Jamestown" Shop in Tustin, CA

Witch Platform
This Ritual was for blessings over career

 Luciferian Chaos Staff

Sigil of SEER
#70 of ARS Goetia

 Blakk The World, Inc. Sigil

Belial Governor of Hell


 Hebrew Mysticism
Platonic Solids

 Old School Shabbat Candles
This is nice for Angel Work

or modern sigil of Azazel The Peacock Angel

Original Sumeria Sigil


 Ashe Camazotz

Luciferian Theory
from the book 
The Bible of The Adversary
by Michael W. Ford


1st time talking on live radio with Tony Roberts 
look out for 
Coming Soon to BlogTalkRadio

McGovern's Circle 
1st Published Online Story
by Cris Blakk


48 Sigils of the 72 Spirits of ARS Goetia

A bracelet i made which is being sold at 
The Multidimensional School for Healing Arts & Sciences in Irvine, CA

Protection Beads Necklace
Also being sold at Multidimensional School in Irvine, CA


72 Spirits and it's connection to each gate of ARS Goetia

Luciferian Blessings Ritual

Enochian Alphabet

Ancient Egyptian God

Blakk The World, Inc.
Public Announcement 

Modern Luciferian Sigil

#33 of ARS Goetia 

Planetary Magick 
Unicursal Hexagram Sigil

Ouija Board

Ashe Horus
Christ Consciousness

Enochian/Thelemic Sigil
Angel Magick

Hermetic Hoodoo/Santeria Ritual
to prevent homelessness by Rene Panderas

Christ Consciousness

Enochian Table

Platonic Solids

The Four Qabalistic Schemes of The World
Hebrew Mysticism 
Angel Magick


Cris Blak Business Card
Pranic Healer
Psychic Reader


Trine Gate
Ashe Belial
Ashe Belith
Ashe Paimon


Magical Practices Chart
from the book
by Peter J. Carol