
Friday, August 9, 2013

Altiorem Statum Conscientia

by: Jonathan M Steinert

 Consciousness of the mind in any perception, generating on levels of enlightened. In our current state of mind as humans we are dumb, clueless, incoherent creatures that roam the world only thinking about what’s new, what’s cool, what he has, and what she is wearing. Always in the future, but living in the past. Always looking at other’s wondering if they are thinking about me. Take it from me there not. Humans don’t think about anything, unless that something presents itself into their view. We are a product of teaching, but what is teaching? Teaching is a product of ignorance pushed upon one by society. So what has society taught this generation of humanity? We’ve learned about sex, gender , murder, money, enslavement, fear, and we also learned that we must grow up because there is no room for a child in the world. We’ve learned about religion, and war, we’ve learned right from wrong, but what is right and what is wrong? Right from wrong comes in many different forms. Let me ask you something. Killing someone is that right or wrong? 99% of the world would say wrong, but they were taught by their parents. What if you grew up killing people with your dad, in his mind it’s ok. Write and wrong depend on truth from teaching. People should not dictate right from wrong, quick to judge someone because their view varies. Judgment upon another soul, lower’s their morality. Morality it’s self should be the only dictator of right from wrong. Morality will keep you on the right path. You know that little voice in your head that says, "na don’t do that," or the one that says "yea, yea that’s cool." Right and wrong are just feelings. Religion, any culture that has ever had religion as the primary guide to life, either has broken out in full blown war, on the brink of war, or just plan ignorant and quick to push their God upon another. if you are willing to kill for your God, what kind of God is that? And how will your standing be with him after you’ve mowed somebody down for disagreement? We’ve learned stupidity our words speak utterly upon the knowledge we have witch 90% of it comes from television the rest is divided between parents, school and work. Which is the only thing we accomplished in life, we must go to school to learn, so that we may have a good job and be successful in life. But what is success a big house, lots of money, what kind of cars we drive? Yes, because with-out this stuff I am nobody. Even after achieving all this stuff we are yet still completely unsatisfied, unhappy and filled with even more sorrow then when we began down the path of being successful, I wonder why? That’s what I wanted out of life right? Wrong I bet if you could talk too yourself as five year old it would call you old and washed up, I’d bet it would say you forgot about me, you priority’s changed you grew up, what happened to you. I don’t want anything to do with you get away from me asshole. I wonder what happened to me? I was taught. Level two of consciousness. The mind of a child a beautiful mind, He/she doesn’t know right from wrong. Left from right, they have no perception time, and most of them have no emotional pain unless you tell them it’s bed time. What they do know is that they love to help, no matter the task at hand you wouldn’t even have to ask them twice. They love to play and imagine the world as if it was a story jotted down in the book of life. Life is still but a dream to a mind with no teaching. Why take that way? Because they must grow up and be in the “real world.” They love to put smile on peoples face’s, they sing, laugh, cry, they have absolutely no problem being them self. No concept of embarrassment, and nobody judge’s a child because kids will be kids. The only thing their worried about is if it’s okay to stomp through the mud, or run through a giant pile of leave’s you just raked. Children are my hero’s! I wonder what am I? What is my reason, do I even have a reason? Well as humans that are not self aware we are consumed by ignorant bliss. To become self aware our reason dwindles in the balance of life and death, because if we have no reason, then why even be alive. This is question that has haunted man for all of time. I’m here to tell you that our reason is to help, love, learn and to discipline our body’s. Most people spurge on there ever whim diving head first into their body’s every want, rendering our self ineligible to walk in the path of light, to walk in the path of awe.  Awe is the separation point between right from wrong.  To be able to see a moment of pure beauty and hit the floor with tears of joy, to allow the lump in your throat to grow in to a smile as you shed your love publicly. In this moment the rays of peace will fall upon us and drown away all of our sorrow.  Joy will radiate in and consume you like a high. For me personally this is my reason of being to indulge myself in every beautiful moment, to get lost in joy. To get lost in the sun set as the colors change from a deep orange that lights the sky on fire. To the pink bliss of the clouds that shoot up to the heavens, all the way down to purple streaks that dance’s through the sky waving goodbye, right before the stars open their eyes and say good morning. To walk in the path of the shadows I will be sad, hate, my soul will be full of sorrow, my emotions hiding behind every corner waiting to jump out to abuse me. To throw me down to stomp out all of my happiness, never allowing me to see these moments of awe I so desperately need. Stupidity will bring me joy. Ignorance will flow through my lips, as I try to bring you to my level because hate being by myself. My emotional agony will always haunt me. Turning the tables there will be no right from wrong. I wonder what happens if I become disciplined? You will be accepted to walk in the light. You become conscious and self aware; you’ll become your own power house. What’s a power house? Let me tell you my friend. I am your brain I require you to be disciplined. I require you to sweet and bleed for me. And I will show you the power you crave. You are a conductor, a conductor of my reality. Please me and ill please you. I will show you everything that you are truly capable of I am the reason of your reason to exist. With-out me you are simply just an animal. With me you are a God. Give me what I want. And I will show how to ignite the energy from with-in to put forth into the universe it will be magical. I will show you how to control the elements if you move in the right pattern, with the right force. You must vibrate for me and I will imagine for you. But you must see it as reality to achieve ultimateness and oneness.

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